The world cup is coming! How are you preparing for it? And what are the things we go through during the world cup season? A Brand new short to remind and pre…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
The world cup is coming! How are you preparing for it? And what are the things we go through during the world cup season? A Brand new short to remind and pre…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
only few girls know what world cup fever is..n only few girls really follow
up with football..
The last part of this video make me smile. ..
That old chinese man wearing korea jersey is from “the journey” movie
right? (not to be rude for calling him old)
+Dennis Yin win liao lo
girls: period every month
boys: period every 4 years
I wanna know where they get their haircuts ! lol
hahahaha… maradona kia pun bue tan kia liao kok thak kiu… XD good one
Loved watching this the second time round :)
That’s Elizabeth right ? The girl who sings cover on youtube ?
Omagadddd… fuad n the kyotos.. overloaded awesomeness..
Wow you guys managed to get Abbas Saad on your video… impressed
7:34 joanne yew =D
actually…you get a yellow card for taking off shirts.Perhaps red for
being too sexy? ;)
Am I the only one who saw UNFOLD 3 IS IN PRODUCTION ? :DDD
New Video! What are some of the the things we go through during the world
cup season? #worldcupfever
2:05 Was this necessary?? Haha.
Spain gonna win this year
Wearing Colombian jersey but cut Fellaini hairstyle… =..=
Jangan kacau
YAY! I’m first! And this is a GREAT VIDEO!! AWESOME
Was it shot at Taylor’s lakeside?
-Last year when you guys came to our Uni during Ramadan, i couldn’t meet
you guys :c
what the song name at the last of the video?
Oh my god!!! I had to watch a few times to realized what Adam and Abbas was
commentating about.. LoL!!! haha
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