Malaysians React To Ah Wing (Thank You Message from JinnyBoyTV)

Malaysians React To Ah Wing (Thank You Message from JinnyBoyTV)

Before watching this video, please watch Ah Wing here: SUBSCRIBE Email us for suggesti…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Follow up to Pick Up Artists. This time the girls get their payback when they get to reject all those guys with lame pick up lines. SUBSCRIBE…





50 responses to “Malaysians React To Ah Wing (Thank You Message from JinnyBoyTV)”

  1. muhammad hazim yaccob Yaccob Avatar
    muhammad hazim yaccob Yaccob

    nicee guyss….make new video…..malaysian videos

  2. Kharenee Koh Avatar
    Kharenee Koh

    What happened to Prakash?

  3. Ayo Adedeji Avatar
    Ayo Adedeji

    It is so funny

  4. xfuture00 Avatar

    and it is now 1.1 million views.


    100% subscribing to the channel …make more malaysian videos 😀

  6. Jia Jiunn Wong Avatar
    Jia Jiunn Wong

    Good job guys…keep it up!~

  7. ammy1226 Avatar

    I love the Ah Wing’s video! It’s hilarious.. And when I met him at Central
    Market the other day.. I’m so excited! hahaha.. I want more of Ah Wing’s

  8. Aariana Cheffa Avatar
    Aariana Cheffa

    MalayS dont React To Ah Wing..#TRUTH.

  9. dylanfoo2412 Avatar

    the gun is a nerf nite finder ex-3

  10. Jane Ng Avatar
    Jane Ng

    OMG HAHAHAAH I love it when Joseph just walks in with a nerf gun. #likeaboss

  11. Peter Gan Avatar
    Peter Gan

    keep up the good work guys! haha 😀

  12. Shaf Aziz Avatar
    Shaf Aziz

    3:55 someone making jokes of ur mom..teehee

  13. Draozuser Avatar

    Hi I’m from Singapore and all your videos are so relatable 🙂 great job

  14. Meagan Theresa Avatar
    Meagan Theresa

    WongFu Productions Malaysian Version. OOOHYEAAAA!

  15. Rozalie14 Avatar

    @kikaedark Malaysia. That’s why I was so shocked.

  16. crazymira19 Avatar

    proud to be malaysian 😀 anyway… Good work guys!!

  17. TheAcyndi Avatar

    Nerf gun…. HAHAHAHHAHA

  18. kikaedark Avatar

    screw the U.S. i’m moving to Malaysia 🙂

  19. Arief Iskandar Avatar
    Arief Iskandar

    Every Video makes me proud to be a Malaysian! 🙂

  20. Cokelat ikhsan Avatar
    Cokelat ikhsan

    i like!

  21. alvingoldfishchin Avatar

    if im the cameraman. i tink u will kick me out far far away as u guys is
    too much… hahaha…!!!

  22. blueblurry13 Avatar


  23. Suren Krishnan Avatar
    Suren Krishnan

    good job guys! we should have more malaysian original content creators in
    youtube! keep it up!

  24. Makoto Kino Avatar
    Makoto Kino

    Hi uncle Prakash! It’s me Nadia Sopiee =^_^= I like your videos and I am
    going to subscribe to your channel 😀 Daddy says “hi”

  25. kikaedark Avatar

    something wrong?

  26. Naim William Avatar
    Naim William

    Shit gets pretty well…

  27. Thomas Yeun Avatar
    Thomas Yeun


  28. Angisel Kiermaier Avatar
    Angisel Kiermaier

    Um, what the guys are doing amounts to annoying, borders on harassment.

  29. Dahliah BM Avatar
    Dahliah BM

    i dont get the sagittarius part..

  30. Andrew Ho Avatar
    Andrew Ho

    Wanna pick up girls? Not in this part of the world! lol!

  31. SeaJear Avatar

    I dont get the Do not enter part, but dat girl is damn hot!

  32. Colin Tan Avatar
    Colin Tan
  33. david lau Avatar
    david lau

    in Australia we call this type of women cock blocker

  34. Ferne Wong Avatar
    Ferne Wong

    The plastic surgeon what the funniest shit ever!!

  35. MyIvic Avatar

    So much chinese…

  36. ThePenguink Avatar

    This is good!

  37. Amir Hamzah Avatar
    Amir Hamzah

    the guy in the pink tank top fit it very well with his voice….

  38. Annie Sha Avatar
    Annie Sha

    Aloe vera for you burn sir

  39. Tearsong Avatar

    1:14 why does she look like my Chinese teacher…

  40. Erica Loh Avatar
    Erica Loh

    The aloe vera actually reminds me of nature Republic…

  41. Han Mihyun Avatar
    Han Mihyun

    00:12 looks like daesung haha

  42. i3aby913 Avatar

    Pft those girls aren’t mean. They’re just sick of guys with stupid,
    chauvinistic pick up lines/attitudes -.-

  43. Alex Martin Avatar
    Alex Martin


  44. Stephanie Clark Avatar
    Stephanie Clark


  45. Eti Peti Avatar
    Eti Peti

    HEBREW! I wasnt expecting that lol 0:42

  46. Noor Artiqah Avatar
    Noor Artiqah


  47. Bhavya Vel Avatar
    Bhavya Vel

    aloe verra for your burn sir? LOL that was really funny

  48. michele fernandez Avatar
    michele fernandez

    Aloe vera for your burn sir.. lmao! 😀 epic

  49. Bob da Destroyer Avatar
    Bob da Destroyer

    Aloe Vera or you burn Sir? XDDD LMFAO

  50. Ai Yasmin Avatar
    Ai Yasmin

    Sir, aloe vera for your burn, sir? haha that part though

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