ABUDEN?! – JinnyBoyTV

ABUDEN?! - JinnyBoyTV

Questions are a daily part of life, we ask them everyday. But what happens when you ask a question…that states the obvious? SUBSCRIBE http://bit.ly/JBTVSUB…

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50 responses to “ABUDEN?! – JinnyBoyTV”

  1. hafizi chicarito Avatar
    hafizi chicarito

    abuden means??

  2. silverbarbarian Avatar

    Lol this so funny right?
    No lah not funny

  3. Dyan Herfiqa Avatar
    Dyan Herfiqa

    team Edward LMAO

  4. Fynitie Lockheart Avatar
    Fynitie Lockheart


  5. Hidayah Mazlan Avatar
    Hidayah Mazlan

    Watch 4:42 until 5:05. Uber LOL!!

  6. Thomas Yeun Avatar
    Thomas Yeun
  7. Aimee Perez Avatar
    Aimee Perez

    #Mongolia #Asia #funny +Cruz Nunez 

  8. Qayla Yusri Avatar
    Qayla Yusri


  9. farhan faris Avatar
    farhan faris

    what abuden meaning ?

  10. Ray Fal Avatar
    Ray Fal

    hahhahaha .. do really happen in real life

  11. reanna landis Avatar
    reanna landis

    Funny video about how you ask the most obvious questions 

  12. Mohd Akmal Salleh Avatar
    Mohd Akmal Salleh


  13. Yu Bin Ang Avatar
    Yu Bin Ang


  14. LSS Littlesuris Avatar
    LSS Littlesuris

    Ohmygod. Im in love with the guy in the red hoodie – sam insanity! <3

  15. Genzo Tan Avatar
    Genzo Tan

    The TV one is so gay

  16. Nur Alyya Farhana Farul Izani Avatar
    Nur Alyya Farhana Farul Izani

    lol bathing catepillers 0:36 lol

  17. anna stephanie Avatar
    anna stephanie

    hahaha!!! MALAYSIANS!!!!! :D

  18. Anthony Ho Avatar
    Anthony Ho

    What’s the ending song?

  19. Christopher Tock Avatar
    Christopher Tock

    All star crew presenting a hillarious documentary about the meaning of …
    abuthen! …… Abuthen?! Feat @jinnyboy @germanipro & my sis ;)

  20. nisa rivera Avatar
    nisa rivera


  21. peiting tan Avatar
    peiting tan

    funny~ :D

  22. Anisa Larassati Avatar
    Anisa Larassati

    no, this is Narnia. haha +Wikan Isthika 

  23. kasvii laxmi naidu Avatar
    kasvii laxmi naidu

    must watch

  24. Henny Basinou Avatar
    Henny Basinou

    1:08 niceeeeeeeee..

  25. giselle toh Avatar
    giselle toh

    My sister name is also Sandra

  26. terrafirma91 Avatar

    What does ‘Abuden’ mean?

  27. Angeline Johnson Avatar
    Angeline Johnson

    +Chia Kai Zhen 

  28. Derrick Luffy Avatar
    Derrick Luffy

    One-ten cam , that girl is sooooooooooooo beautiful !!!!

  29. Gene C Avatar
    Gene C

    Hur hur… Funny and sorta true eh?

    #thingspeopledo #asians #funny 

  30. Cyrelle K. Avatar
    Cyrelle K.


  31. Tears ss Avatar
    Tears ss

    hahaha greyson chance <3!!

  32. Deary Luhan Avatar
    Deary Luhan

    Gwiyomi song! > u < by Hari

  33. kukukai1 Avatar

    0:20 twerking stance

  34. Aki Atsuki Avatar
    Aki Atsuki

    00:31 tge one of the best!!!!

  35. Tim T Avatar
    Tim T

    AIA = Asian In Actions

  36. Lily L Avatar
    Lily L

    Why do those girls seem so familiar…oh wait, that’s me. D’oh.

    Man, it’s hard work looking cute in a photo.

    Also, I see some of you photog types in this video too.

    I’d also like to point out these are not exclusive to asians…except maybe
    the sumo stance.

  37. Lynn West Avatar
    Lynn West


  38. Ze Wong Avatar
    Ze Wong

    and to compliment the 5 types of guy on instagram. here’s an older video

  39. Yen L Avatar
    Yen L

    Sorry guys.. I just remembered Myungsoo while watching this… Can you

  40. Jean-Rémi Laisne Avatar
    Jean-Rémi Laisne

    How do you take picture ?

  41. Bonang Setoaji Avatar
    Bonang Setoaji

    LEVEL : ASIA! :))

  42. Alex Zhao Avatar
    Alex Zhao

    Thought I saw +Patrick Wong but no.

  43. Benjamin Yang Avatar
    Benjamin Yang

    The reason why I don’t wanna eat out with friends…

  44. Iz Hann Avatar
    Iz Hann

    ..so true! ^^

  45. Jose Arce Avatar
    Jose Arce

    Sniper stance ftw! #photography #lol 

  46. Billy Koesoemadinata Avatar
    Billy Koesoemadinata

    HAHAHAHA! :)))

  47. dolma hongkong Avatar
    dolma hongkong
  48. Anh Phan Avatar
    Anh Phan

    It’s soooooooo asian 🙂 And yes, i can see myself in this video ^^ 

  49. SoundersStalmple Avatar

    1:16 anyone suspect something suspicious

  50. Randy Ortiz Avatar
    Randy Ortiz

    Yep guilty of some o these too haha!

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